Winnie, Wallace, and Sissy. Photo by Susan Rosenberg Jones

Cat Training Services

No matter where you are in your journey with your cat, I can help you make the most out of your relationship with this beloved member of your family.


Many people believe that cats are self-sufficient and don’t require much attention – but in fact they have distinct and individualized needs. If we don’t meet those needs, they can act out with scratching, nipping, obsessive vocalizing, knocking things over, and other attention-seeking misbehavior. Ignoring these issues can provoke even more stress and anxiety, further amplifying the problem.

I’ll guide you through step-by-step instructions so you’ll learn how to comfortably and effectively meet your cat’s individual needs comfortably and effectively. This will reduce stress and agitation, and lead to a healthier and happier relationship between you and your cat.

Introducing your new cat to your family dog, cat, or children.

Inappropriate Elimination
What to do if your cat stops using or won’t use the litter box.

Play Aggression
What to do if your cat uses “hide-and-seek” attacks, like swiping at pants or feet, biting, or scratching.

Redirected Aggression
When your kittens or cats don’t get what they want, they focus their frustration on the closest person or animal.

Fear Aggression
The cat hides, cowers, or otherwise displays fear and redirects aggression toward a family member or another animal.

Nocturnal Activity
What to do if your cat wakes you with excessive vocalization or destructive activity.

I will help you reorganize your existing space or new space to make it more feline friendly.

And much more!

Book a series package or begin with a single consultation and then decide how you want to proceed. Either way, I’ll help you structure a program that takes in your personal specifications and meets your cat’s needs.


With the arrival of a new baby, life as you know it will be changed for everyone in your household, including your cat. There will be new smells, new sounds, new routines, and likely, new priorities.

Your cat may become confused, fearful, agitated, upset, or simply interested. But in any case, he or she will need to understand and learn the new rules and how to get along in this new situation.

Easing your cat into this transition before the baby arrives is wise. It ensures less anxiety all around, avoids troublesome reactions, and offers everyone the opportunity to get used to the new organization in daily life. 

Setting up a new routine.

Teaching your children how to properly handle and play with your cat.

Introducing your cat to your new baby.

Desensitizing your cat to baby sounds & toys.

Setting boundaries and establishing new ground rules.

Facilitating proper socialization.

Call or message me, and together we can figure out what your household requires and put a workable plan in place.


Virtual Training sessions are a great approach if we cannot meet in person. They can provide a safe way to address your cat’s training and behavior issues – but only if I think you and your cat(s) will benefit. In situations where cats are fearful or won’t come out when people are over, then virtual training is recommended.

Virtual sessions are 90 minutes each and include a follow-up 15 min telephone consultation (valid up to 4 months after the initial consultation). 

Whether it be distance, health concerns surrounding in-person visits, or other circumstances, I respect and aim to address everyone’s needs (both human and fur).

Let’s discuss virtual options together to see what works.

In-Person Session

Includes a 15-min follow-up telephone consult (must be used within 4 months of initial session). During this time I will also respond to a limited number of emails.

90 minutes


Virtual Sessions

(initial consult)

Includes a 15-min follow-up telephone consult (must be used within 4 months of initial session). During this time I will also respond to a limited number of emails.

90 minutes


Virtual Sessions

(future virtual sessions)

30 minutes
