About Sharon Mear



Photos by Susan Rosenberg Jones

Accreditation and Professional Affiliations​

AKC Logo

American Kennel Club

ABCNY logo

Animal Behavior Center of New York


Association of Companion Animal Behavior Counselors


The Association of Professional Dog Trainers

Hudson River Park Logo

LeRoy Street Dog Run Board of Directors


What Sharon’s Clients Are Saying


“I have had the pleasure of working with Sharon Mear for the past 7 years. She is an exceptional animal behaviorist and trainer as well as a compassionate and patient individual.

Sharon has enabled me to better serve my clients by helping address behavioral problems and training concerns that I am not equipped to deal with at a veterinary hospital.

I not only recommend Sharon to all of my clients, but she has been an amazing help to me with some behavioral issues I have had over the years with my beloved dog Rudy.”

Mary Xanthos, DVM

Reade Street Animal Hospital Tribeca, NYC


“Sharon helped get our relationship with our new puppy Rosie off to a great start! She came to our home and in no time showed us that with the right training (mostly training us, rather than the dog) it really is possible to “get through” to your dog and make your intentions understood.

Rosie went on to become a registered hospital therapy dog after the completion of Sharon’s training, and she passed the tests easily and has brought happiness into the lives of hundreds including ourselves.”

Deni Bonet, Andrew Holmes-Higgin

West Village

Lucy & Miles

“Sharon’s training methods are so effective and she’s a pleasure to work with. Not only have we succeeded in positively affecting our dogs’ behaviors for the long term, but Lucy and Miles are well-mannered, happy little dogs! Thanks a million, Sharon!”

Sofia & David Sanborn

Upper West Side


“Sharon is one of those people whom animals immediately trust and respond to. I’ve known her for years and on more than one occasion she’s helped me understand and resolve issues that my cats were having.

I’ve seen her help unruly dogs, anxious, fearful pups and upset owners. She patiently coaches people with down-to-earth suggestions and methods that work, based in positive techniques. The animals always improve – and they love her. She’s my most valued, go-to resource for animal issues.”

Elizabeth Rodman

Upper West Side

Bruiser (+ Unidentified Girlfriend)

“Sharon was recommended to us. Our once-too-stubborn Bulldog, Bruiser, quickly took to her methods and developed into one of the best-behaved Bulldogs in NYC! Thank you Sharon for giving Bruiser and us the tools that have allowed him to be the fabulous dog he is. His table manners are second to none!”

Jair & Angela Cuce

Owners, Cool Blue Dog, Flatiron

Nina Simone

“One night, many years ago, I happened upon Sharon while she was teaching a reluctant client how to remain calm with his large puppy. I immediately recognized a very good trainer – calmly focused and directed to the human’s and dog’s relationship.

Now, with Nina Simone, my new, highly active and demanding, intelligent pup, I am especially grateful for Sharon’s expertise. We’re both in awe of her!”



Ludwig & Franz

We contacted Sharon to help us with our two Scottish Fold kittens. We are first-time pet owners, and though we did a good deal of research before we brought them home, we still couldn’t understand why one of our cats was acting so angrily, and had numerous questions about veterinarians, feeding, grooming, playing, and other kitten needs.

We really wanted the best for our kittens. Sharon was wonderful with them, answered all of our questions, led us to sources for toys and feeding. She even sent us emails later with more helpful links. Sharon Mear is kind, professional and very knowledgeable. We recommend her highly!

Lisa & John

Upper West Side


“I don’t know what I would have done without Sharon. When I adopted Patch, almost seven years ago, he was a one-year-old who didn’t even know how to play. She taught me how to train him and has become a real friend to both of us.

She voluntarily takes him out for play dates and Patch is crazy in love with her, as anyone who sees them together can describe.

Patch has since moved in with Sharon because at this stage of my life it is better for both of us that Patch gets what he needs, and Sharon’s lifestyle is better equipped to handle this. I still take him out for one of his daily walks.”

Photo Credit by Deni Tillman

Matt Grottano
